Each country is represented by the topics listed below.
Topics: Orientation; History and Ethnic Relations; Urbanism; Architecture and the Use of Space; Food and Economy; Social Stratification; Political Life; Social Welfare and Change Programs; NGOs and other associations; Gender Roles and Statuses; Marriage; Family and Kinship; Socialization; Etiquette; Religion; Medicine and Health Care; Secular Celebrations; Arts and Humanities; State of Physical and Social Sciences.
Call Number: GT 150 C86 2009
4 pages on each country, including Background; People; Customs and Courtesies; Lifestyle; Society.
Online Reference
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Pro and con articles and viewpoints about controversial issues, with topic overview, primary source documents, reference articles, interactive maps, infographics, statistics and more.
Diplomacy has spawned its own specialized terminology, and it is this lexicon which provides this title's thematic spine. Includes entries on legal terms, political events, international organizations and major figures who have occupied the diplomatic scene or have written influentially about it over the last half millennium.
This outstanding, comprehensive, and up-to-date encyclopedia on human rights issues from 1945 to 1998 features entries on incidents and violations, instruments and initiatives, countries and human rights activists.
Primarily focused on the rise of the Great Powers and the course of world civilizations, their formative wars and diplomatic, political and economic relations. But a serious effort is made to cover all of the smaller and less powerful regions and their local history, along with how progressive inclusion into the modern state system affected them.
This landmark book maps the latest theoretical and empirical research in this energetic and growing field. Captured here are the pioneering and lively debates over concerns for the health of the planet and how they might best be addressed.
The essential reference source to enable all those with an interest in the politics of the environment to explore topics in international environmental politics.
This exhaustive reference traces the rise of each ruling family, outlines key constitutional developments, provides details on current rulers and their approaches to succession, and discusses potential contenders to power.
Covering the intricate facets of America's most important democratic tradition, this book serves as an important resource to understand how citizens' views are translated into governmental action.
This dictionary is an alternative and a counter-balance to the many political dictionaries that ignore or marginalize the history and influence of anti-capitalist movements.