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Storage Guide: Databases A-Z

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Credo Reference

Academic Search Complete

Exploring the Databases

If you are looking for a specific subject, or want to go directly to an individual database, go to the Databases A-Z list. Databases like ProQuest Central or Opposing Viewpoints are included on this list.  You can also access the list from myCuesta.


NewsBank: Access World News

Opposing Viewpoints in Context

COMPASS K-12 Database Access

TeachingBooks (also available through Cuesta A-Z)


*TeachingBooks and Britannica both authenticate for any IP address within the state of California. You should not need special credential to access from California. We’re seeing that sometimes Britannica doesn’t work at a college campus IP address and that logging in at home or through a local library card is better.


  • Includes access to SIRS Discoverer, SIRS Issues Researcher, eLibrary, Research Companion, Central Student (academic, CultureGrams, Alexander Street arts) and PBS (video). 

Black Freedom Struggle (also available through Cuesta A-Z)