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AI (Artificial Intelligence) for Faculty: Home

Definitions and Background

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning, U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Technology.  

      While the focus tends to be on K-12, this is a useful piece for outlining the issues for AI use in education generally.

AI Fundamentals   Unravel the mysteries of machine learning, Generative AI, LLMs, and so much more (and how it all works together) — in this comprehensive AI guide.  By Kevin Hutson.  April 17, 2024

Generative AI and large language models: background and contexts, by Lorcan Dempsey, University of Washington. 

    This piece from May, 2023 is intended as background for an exploration of the impact of AI on library collections and vendor services.  It surveys the current state of the industry, and outlines some major concerns and questions.

How AI chatbots like ChatGPT or Bard work – visual explainer by Sean Clarke, Dan Milmo, and Garry Blight.  The Guardian Nov. 1, 2023

Generative AI in a Nutshell - how to survive and thrive in the age of AI  Basically a full day AI course crammed into 18 mins of drawing & talking. Target audience: Everyone. Covers questions like What is generative AI, how does it work, how do I use it, what are some of the risks & limitations. Also covers things like autonomous agents, the role of us humans, prompt engineering tips, AI-powered product development ... (
