ETHN 230 - Introduction to Social Justice & Ethnic Studies
Explores the evolution, impact, and future of Ethnic Studies through the history of the social justice and racial equality movements in the U.S. during the 1960s and 1970s. Shows how Ethnic Studies emerged as an academic discipline to provide a relevant education in contrast to ethno-centrism, eurocentrism, and white supremacy. Practices applied methodologies in Social Justice and Ethnic Studies, providing depth of insight into struggles and mobilization strategies for equity, self-determination, liberation, decolonization, and anti-racism.
Instructor: Dr. Mario Espinoza-Kulick
Pronouns: He/Él
Fall Office Hours:
Tuesdays 1 PM - 3 PM SLO Campus,
Room 4040
Wednesdays 1 Pm - 3 PM, via Zoom
Instructor: Noemi Vega-Quioñes
Pronouns: She/Her
Office Hours:
Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:30 am - 11:30 am in Room 4038 or by appointment via Zoom
Instructor: Shameeka Wilson-Brown
Pronouns: She/Her
Office Hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 – 8:30 PM via Zoom
Instructor: Melissa Charles
Pronouns: She/Her
Office Hours:
Office Hours by appointment via Zoom
Journal articles, book chapters, and media will be assigned and made available on Canvas. Students are responsible for accessing and/or renting these materials as required.
National Museum of African American History and Culture
National Museum of the American Indian
The Legacy Museum and Memorial
Chinese American Museum in Washington, DC
Japanese American National Museum
The Cheech Marin Center for Chicano Art, Culture & Industry
Molina Family Latino Gallery at the Smithsonian
272 Slaves Were Sold To Save Georgetown. What Does It Owe Their Descendants?
Florida Wade-ins to End Racial Segregation of Public Beach and Pools (1945-1964).
For Some Native Americans, Mount Rushmore is a Symbol of Broken Treaties, White..
Johns Hopkins, Long Believed An Abolitionist, Actually Owned Slaves, University Says
LOC:The Civil Rights Act of 1964: A Long Struggle for Freedom.
The Long History of Racism Against Asian Americans in the U.S.
Pew Research Center: 10 Things We Know About Race and Policing in the U.S.
Racism, Not a Lack of Assimilation, is the Real Problem Facing Latinos in America.
Sale Of Maryland Jesuit’s Enslaved Community To Louisiana In 1838
Sold, Damaged, Stolen, Gone: Japanese American Property Loss During WWII
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Combating Racism